Child Services
Are you concerned about your child’s speech or language skills? Do you have trouble understanding what your child is saying? Maybe your child is getting frustrated trying to communicate or struggling academically. Our skilled therapists are here to help. From intensive treatment of childhood fluency disorders (stuttering) to expanding expressive and receptive language skills, or remediating sound and articulation errors, we can help your child meet their full potential.

At Hudson Valley Speech & Swallowing Therapy we specialize in a variety of specialty areas for children including:
- Comprehensive fluency treatment and therapy to address stuttering and cluttering in even the most severe cases.
- Comprehensive speech/language intervention for autism spectrum disorders.
- Comprehensive treatment of auditory processing disorders
- Comprehensive treatment of childhood feeding and swallowing disorders of all severity including aspiration, tracheotomy patients, complications due to acid reflux, failure to thrive, food aversions, hyper/hyposensitivity, weak suckle etc.
- Intensive treatment for childhood apraxia of speech utilizing the evidenced-based and very effective PROMPTS technique.
- Treatment of childhood voice disorders from neurologic disorders, overuse, vocal polyps, chronic laryngitis vocal nodules, hyper/hypo nasality etc.
- Articulation and phonological therapy.
- Comprehensive intervention of cleft palate
- Cochlear implant therapy
Feeding/swallowing Therapy:
Mealtime should be a fun time, but if your child has feeding or swallowing disorders mealtime can be just the opposite. Feeding issues in particular can be very difficult for parents to navigate. Our therapists are trained in a variety of approaches to assist everyone from mild “picky eaters” to the most severe feeding cases. Common causes for feeding and swallowing disorders are: sensory defensiveness due to perceived trauma (Reflux, GERD, feeding tubes, etc.), decreased strength and/or tone, or decreased coordination of oral motor or swallowing musculature. Our therapists are specially trained to assess your child’s feeding and swallowing skills and develop an individualized therapy plan to get them back on track. Our staff includes several therapists trained in working with even the most delicate medically complicated cases including premature infants, feeding tube maintenance and weening, failure to thrive, and medically fragile. Let us help you enjoy mealtime again.
Limited diet “picky eaters”
Is it normal picky eating or something more?
Sometimes it can be difficult to decipher if your child’s eating habits are “normal” picky eating or something more advanced. Children that have a balanced diet are happier, healthier, and learn better. If mealtime has you frustrated and you’re concerned about your child’s diet let our specially trained staff help you sort through the difference and make mealtimes fun again.
Infant feeding and swallowing disorders
Feeding time with a new infant is a special time to interact and form special bonds, but there is nothing scarier than watching your baby struggle to feed. Whether your baby is nursing, bottle-fed, or on a feeding tube, our specially trained staff can help. Our staff is not only knowledgeable in complicated infant feeding disorders, but we love what we do and take pride in helping both mothers and fathers understand what is happening during the feeding process and feel comfortable helping their infants succeed. There is nothing more gratifying than watching the fear subside and the bonding of mealtime begin.