
Adult Services

When many people think of speech therapy they often think of children with difficulty pronouncing specific sounds, but speech therapy is so much more! For our adult patients we offer a wide range of advanced therapy options to help treat a variety of adult speech and swallowing disorders. Whether you are recovering from a medical incident such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, oral/laryngeal cancer, or voice disorder; or you’re an adult with fluency or articulation disorders, our dedicated and knowledgeable therapists can help. From comprehensive swallowing interventions, to detailed stroke and aphasia plans, we can assist you in meeting all your therapy goals.

Some of the areas we specialize in for adults:

  • Dysphagia treatment of all severity levels including post-surgical laryngeal cancer patients.
  • Treatment of Alzheimer’s and Dementia with therapy techniques to build focus and increase memory.
  • Complex fluency disorders; stuttering/cluttering.
  • Apraxia of speech utilizing the evidenced-based and very effective PROMPTS technique.
  • Treatment of voice disorders from overuse, vocal polyps, neurologic disorders, chronic laryngitis vocal nodules etc.
  • Breath support and strengthening therapy to assist in maintaining speech production in patients with MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, and other degenerative neurologic diseases.
  • Comprehensive speech/language therapy for all levels of aphasia post-stroke and traumatic brain injury.
  • Comprehensive cognitive therapy including executive functions post-stroke and traumatic brain injury.
  • Augmentative communication to provide non-verbal individuals alternative modalities for effective communication.

Adult feeding and swallowing disorders:

Mealtime is not just about sustaining nutrition, in our culture, it has become a way to socialize and share experiences. But for those who struggle with swallowing disorders mealtimes can be embarrassing or even scary. Whether you’re struggling with feeding and swallowing disorders due to a medical condition, traumatic incident, or just normal aging, let our team of dedicated therapists help you get back to enjoying mealtimes without the fear, with comprehensive swallowing treatment plans to help get you back on track.

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